Saturday, December 21

There are 200,000+ titles on Audible

audible junkie audio book

In addition to Audible, you can check out audio content from Google Play, Overdrive, Librivox, Loyal Books, Spotify, and more! You have plenty of options when it comes to choosing how you consume your audiobooks. While I do love Audible and use their service almost exclusively, I’m not here to tell you what platform to choose. I’m here to share with you what audio content I chose and if I think it is worth your hard earned money.

You can expect to see book reviews, product reviews of great deals I’ve found across the web, prizes and giveaways such as Audible credits and audio gear, exclusive interviews with authors and narrators, and even the occasional personal blog post.

listen to book audible reviews

We all love when an audiobook comes with extras so I want to share that excitement here. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I can then return those funds to you via monthly giveaways, Audible credits, gear, and more!

Subscribe to the newsletter and you’ll be notified when a new review, blog post, or content update has been made. Only newsletter members are eligible for giveaways and rewards from Audible Junkie.

audible nook books listen

My name is Mitch. A husband and father of two with a love of books but a busy life that drew me to listening more than reading. I’ve listened to nearly 300 hundred titles over the past two years and want to share that love of “reading by listening”. The primary reason Audible Junkie exists is to connect with existing audiobook junkies as well as creating new audiobook junkies.

Please connect using the Facebook or Twitter links below and tell me your thoughts, request a review of your favorite audiobook, or to let me know what you are currently listening to and loving!

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